Sunday, 19 February 2012

It's spring I tell ya, I have photos to prove it!

Because yesterday’s post was more of a rant, I’ve decided to write a proper update today :)
As always happens this time of year, I’m feeling more and more refreshed by the lighter mornings. I like the comfort of darkness, but the light is so invigorating! I walk in to work and it takes me roughly 50 minutes. Being able to see the sun, for at least parts of my journey, is wonderful. Last weekend SMP and I walked around and saw crocuses of various colours spring up around the Meadows. I snapped a shot of one for you! :)

We also went to see a small exhibit at the National Library of Scotland. It was a little commemorative piece on Scott’s South Pole expedition. It’s free to go on and have a look, follow this link for more info:
A Shakespeare exhibit followed on after this, so SMP and I had a look here too. It was about Shakespeare through the ages, and I think I was most amused by the magnetic board with lots of fridge magnet words on it that you could re-arrange in to Shakespearian style quotes. My sentence obviously included villainous, lusty harlots or something like that, hehe. In my defence, I don’t think SMP’s sentence was much better! :P
Yesterday I went through to Glasgow to view a flat. From my previous post, you can all see how wonderfully (or not :P) that went, so I won’t go in to that aspect further. What I will say is that we did an awful lot of walking. Miles and miles and miles. After the flat viewing SMP and I decided to indulge in a McDonald’s meal. Here I also picked up a free magazine about events happening in Glasgow in the coming months. There are so many wonderful things happening! One of the things that struck me was an experimental library. Part of the Glasgow International Festival of Visual Art, selected works by 50 artists will be available to borrow at the Mitchell Library from late April to early May. The idea is that art shouldn’t just be available in galleries. I think this is a brilliant idea and am hoping SMP and I will be settled enough by then to give this a go! For more information about the festival in general, please see their website: Wear sunglasses, as it has a bright neon green background! :P For information specifically about the Art Lending Library, go here:
Another fascinating event is No Meal is Complete Without Conversation. It’s odd and interesting, but I think they explain themselves better than I can, so visit their site!
While walking around town SMP and I came across an Antique Fair at Kelvin Hall. Apparently there’s one held here every month, and I immediately went in to nesting mode. “We should go!” I announced, and we did! :) It’s £1 to get in, a small price I feel. Don’t get me wrong, the majority of it was a bit naf and musty. Also, I know Blu-Ray is apparently da bomb, but I don’t think DVDs can be classified as antiques just yet! But in between some of the car boot sale items were some gems. A beautiful set of 2 decanters in a stand, each with a small silver (or silver plated) placard, one for Whisky, the other for Gin = £15! Bargain! Another gentleman had properly antique Victorian era silverware, and the prices were in the triple digit regions, beyond my limits at this time! There were also swords, funny little instruments and paraphernalia. I think I shall be returning once I’ve got a home to decorate again!
We also went to a “Vintage Market” just off Buchanan Street, and I was very disappointed. It was more the Basement of Homemade Earrings & Soap, with the occasional old T-shirt strewn about. Nothing was what I would call vintage, but SMP and I did enjoy a homemade cupcake made with Oreos, nom nom nom!
I also managed to snap a wonderful shot of Buchanan Street on my phone. We started the day with sun, but then it snowed and then there was more sun and then more snow! When the snow left the street was wet and it reflected the pale light:

I’m not saying it’s a great photo, by all accounts it’s overexposed, but I like it and the effect of the shiny street! :) I love Buchanan Street for it's beautiful architecture and it's giant metal peacock perched on one of the buildings!
SMP also showed me The Lighthouse ( This is down a bit of a dark alleyway, so I was hesitant, but it really is lovely! One of their current exhibits is about community culture, specifically surrounding Britain’s High Streets. It was a lovely display, and it also tipped its hat to Copenhagen and its promotion of the bicycle as a means of inner city transport! It made me think about the changing role of exhibits, and if the display of information and fact can be labelled as art. I think in this instance it definitely can! Another of their floors is permanently dedicated to Rennie Mackintosh, a Glaswegian architect. From this floor you can also go up to a viewing tower. From here I shot some pictures of Glasgow’s city centre skyline:

It's definitely a different sight than Edinburgh's skyline! :)

Despite the fact that it snowed, I think Spring is definitely around the corner and there will be much to do! Back in Edinburgh, the Edinburgh Lectures start tomorrow! I’m going to the talk on women in astronomy, and I’m sure it’ll be very interesting (and give me yet another thing to go on about! :P). 
I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!

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