Steaks and the Heimlich
Salutations and good afternoon to all!
I realise it’s been a while since I posted last, and for that I apologise! Life has a habit of getting in the way of things, hehe.
I know my last update was in February, but seriously, time is ticking by at an alarming rate, I do not approve! In the mean time I applied for another job, but didn’t get it. I got a temporary transfer/secondment opportunity at my existing place of work, though, woo! It’s... interesting, and let’s leave it at that! I had a birthday, then Man of the House had a birthday, then we had an anniversary (yay!) And then Denmark won the Eurovision!
It was a competition full of interpretive dance, interesting props and a really wonderful “half time” show that reminded me of home. I wasn’t overly loving Graham Norton’s commentary this year, who seemed a bit flabbergasted that Europe wasn’t just going to vote for the British entry just because it was Bonnie Tyler. I love Bonnie Tyler, but I just didn’t think the song was that good, sorry! That can be said about any of the other 25 (or whatever) countries that I didn’t vote for, it’s nothing personal! :P
Of course I am super excited that the Contest will be making its way across the bridge to Denmark next year, and I can tell you right now I will be making every conceivable effort to make it over there for the show. You can just book me in for annual leave right now, ta! Hehe!
But enough about that, and let’s give a nice welcome back to what appears to be Summer Weather. This particular member of the Weather family was a sight for sore eyes pretty much all of last year, so I’m glad that it’s come back, and seemingly in the right month, too! Last year we had beautiful sunshine in May and then never saw it again. And here I thought that I’d have to go away to get my Vitamin D fix, so I booked myself on a flight to Denmark in the first week of July. Wooooo! I plan to wander familiar streets, see friends and family and maybe, just maybe, hear some Jazz. Copenhagen Jazz Festival starts up near the end of my trip, but I’m hoping to get in a listen or two. Well.. Blues for preference, but I’m not picky!
Following that I have a festival to go to in August called Bloodstock, and I’m excited because a band called Sabaton are playing, and the vendors make excellent bacon rolls. Seriously, the bacon rolls of the normal outside world are nothing compared to ones made at festivals. It’s like there’s a rule about how challenging hygiene settings make for superbly tasty grub. And don’t be put off by the skulls and the red background and some of the unseemly band names, this is seriously one of the nicest festivals I’ve ever been to (except for that guy who jumped out of a portaloo cabin to deliberately scare me, he’s getting his shin kicked if I see him again! :P).
Other than that, we’ll see where the holiday bug takes me! I am genuinely pining to go back to Amsterdam for 1) The company, 2) The little tapas restaurant with the tortilla, and 3) The beer from the Brouwerij ‘t IJ pub. Seriously. I don’t normally like beers, these were amazing.
But, this blog is called the Education of Miss Sophie, so... what have I learned?
Well! Following a recommendation from friends of ours, MotH and I decided to bulk order meat from a distributor. And we bought a lot, two freezer drawers full to be exact. And we have not been disappointed yet! There was an offer on porterhouse steaks, so I decided “Go on, take the plunge, Miss Sophie!” You see, it has been my poor family’s burden that I have throughout my life been incredibly picky with food. It wasn’t until I was... 20 or 21 that I decided to even try beef mince in anything. I didn’t try steak until... a year, maybe a year and a half ago? I’ve gotten to a level where medium-medium rare is yum, and I think this is where I’ll stay, but who knows! So I tried making it myself, and crikey, it doesn’t take long! I overcooked them slightly, because in my head I was going “No way does it only take X amount of minutes on each side!”. But it was still delish, I didn’t burn anything and I’ll know better for next time! I should have taken a picture of them, but I was a bit overwhelmed by steaming veg, making a peppercorn sauce, and getting the potatoes out of the oven on top of the steak-factor, so here’s just a picture of different shades of steak and, the "finger method" :P
Basically the premise is that if you aren't sure where a steak is at temperature-wise, and you don't have a thermometer, you can use the finger method. When your thumb touches other fingers, the squishy pad under it will change in firmness. If you touch your thumb to your little-finger, the pad will be at its firmest and if your thumb isn't touching any other fingers at all it's incredibly soft and cushion-y. It's certainly not a fool proof method, but beggars can't be choosers! :P
But that was very much learning by checking a “recipe” online and then doing it. And jeeeeez-o, everyone and their mother had an opinion on salting before, during or after the cooking process! For the record, I went with the idea of salting the steaks about 40 minutes before frying them in a pan (since I can’t work the grill :P). I also did not pepper until during the cooking process, as apparently charred pepper is a friend to exactly ZERO tastebuds, hehe.
In addition to steak-based knowledge, I am now also a qualified First Aider, thanks to my workplace who kindly agreed to send me on a course. About halfway through the first day it dawned on me: Hang on, this isn’t just a “handy skill to have”, this is a responsibility too! I know that seems entirely obvious, but if someone passes out in the street I will now feel obligated to use my acquired knowledge. I would probably try to help anyway, but now there’s the added “It’s okay, I know First Aid” responsibility attached to me, which is cool and terrifying all at once. That being sad, I am a bad-ass at rolling people in to the recovery position. Need someone to help with a log-roll? I’m your girl. That’s rolling someone LIKE a log, not actually rolling logs, but I bet ya I’d be good at that too, hehe! Oh, and I was super disappointed that even though we learned how to do the "heimlich" that we all know from the TV, they didn't call it that! They called it "abdominal thrusts". It took all the fun out of it!
Incidentally, completing a First Aid course was number 30 on my 101 Things to do in 1001 Days list, woo! Also, to complete number 91 on the same list, I have now registered with a GP here in Glasgow (finally, I’ve only lived here a year!) and am back on my blood pressure medication, because the heart shouldn’t be messed with!
Goal 25 is to read 101 books and I’ve read 6 so far, not a bad track record by I need to pick up the pace! I think my next blog will be a recommendation/mini review for two of them that have really left an impression on me.
Until then, enjoy the sunshine if you have it! Have a continued nice weekend!
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