Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Formal Education

Hello Strangers! 

Did you miss me?

I know it’s been a while, but I’ve been a busy bee. Now I’m ready and back in business! 
Basically, since September last year I’ve been on a part time study course aimed at getting my back in to University. That, combined with some pretty intense working hours in the Autumn/Winter of 2014/15, meant that blogging was kind of on the back burner. 

After ten essays, two tests and two exams, I’m pleased to say that I got all the required grades and I am now a full time undergraduate student at the University of Glasgow! This is a four-year gig, so stay tuned for my graduation pictures in 2019, hehe!

I’m studying English Language with Digital Media & Information Studies. I’m also taking a third subject this year (in line with University policy), in Computing Science. Before anyone misunderstands: I am not taking English Literature. I will not be reading a bucket load of fiction and then dissecting it in to alliterations, similes and metaphors. I will literally be studying the Language of English, where it came from, how it works and why it works. This semester my classes cover Old English (possibly known to some as “Anglo-Saxon”), Grammar and Stylistics. Digital Media & Information Studies covers how and why we store information (digital and otherwise), how Digital Media impacts on our lives (social media, how it’s aided genealogy enthusiasts, etc). What will I use this for? Well my current plans are geared towards librarianship or working in publishing. If, in the next two years, I make a decision towards one or the other, I can adapt my studies to reflect this. 

So far I’ve really enjoyed myself, and have met a couple of nice folks in my classes. I’m not going to lie, it is a little daunting to go part-time at work and do something like this. It will obviously have an impact on my finances over time, oh and I’m about 8 - 10 years older than most of my 1st year colleagues. I’m not hugely bothered by the age thing, but sometimes it’s rather noticeable, hehe!

But then I just think about how awesome it is that some of my classes are here:

Pretty gorgeous, right (sorry that my photo is a wee bit crooked)? Of course, not all my classes are in here, my Computing Science lab in is a pretty hideous "brutalism" style building (I'll try to snap a shot of it when I'm there on Monday!), but I still have to pass the pretty Main Building afterwards, so my eyes are once again soothed!

So that's where I am, and we'll see how it goes. Four years is a fair bit of time, but I'm very determined to crack on and do my best!

I'm also acutely aware that it's 1st of October tomorrow. As I was writing this, I was listening to some Eurovision songs (don't judge me...), and I realised that we are closer to Christmas than we are to the Eurovision we just had here in 2015. And then I was ashamed for having used Eurovision as a guidepost of time, hehe.

I'll be back in a few weeks with another post, and probably a lot of pictures of things in the rain. 'Cause it's not really fair that we only take pictures of things when the sun shines. Especially in a country where it rains a lot! Embrace the drizzle, take photos anyway!

Miss Sophie, signing out.

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